Publications with M.
Journal Articles
An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: results from the 2016 observational campaign
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18 (4) , 2018
The rivers of Africa: witness of climate change and human impact on the environment
Hydrological Processes, 27 (15) , 2013
Conference Papers
GIS based Model to optimize possible self sustaining regions in the context of a renewable energy supply
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Integrating Sciences and Inform ation Technology for Environmenta l Assessment and Decision Making , 2008
A GIS-based system for performance assessment of solar energy systems over large geographical regions
Proceedings of the solar 2006 conference , 2006
Technical Reports
Water resources assessment of the Volta River Basin
International Water Management Institut, 2015
The water resource implications of changing climate in the Volta River Basin
International Water Management Institute, 2012